Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ocean City Homes on the Beach is sooooo nice :)

Here is an article from the New York Times about a family that moved from Philadelphia suburb to Ocean City NJ.

Not Just a Summer Romance

SUE AND JOE CANALE’S new beach house in Ocean City, N.J., handsomely sided in gray shingles and just steps from the Boardwalk, rises four floors above sea level. The view, they say, is always changing. Sometimes, whitecaps churn. Sometimes, the ocean is a fuzzy pink blanket. Sometimes, lightning flashes above the sea and reflects on the water.

For nearly 20 years, the Canales, a couple from Huntingdon Valley, Pa., a Philadelphia suburb, owned another beach house on the property. About two years ago, they decided to tear it down and build another place. They wanted a house they could live in virtually all year. Mrs. Canale loves to entertain. Mr. Canale loves to ride his bike on the Boardwalk.

“We’re from the boomer generation, and our theory with this place is to use it and enjoy it,” said Mrs. Canale, a real-estate broker and appraiser.

The Canales have company in Ocean City — and lots more than in the past. Second-home owners in this tidy family resort, 10 miles south of the Atlantic City casinos, are using their homes deeper into the fall, often through Thanksgiving and Christmas and sometimes well into the winter. A beach house is not just a place to catch a tan anymore.

“It used to be that people closed them up in September — closed them up and didn’t come back until the next year,” said Ann Richardson, an agent for ReMax in Ocean City. “The idea of winter at the shore was just not that popular. People would say to me, ‘You live here?’ They couldn’t imagine there was life here after Labor Day.”

Read the rest of the article from NY Times here

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